Vitamin (form of vitamin B12)
CCP: Known cyanide toxicity
CCP: Suspicion of cyanide toxicity based on presence of smoke inhalation (i.e. fire victim from enclosed space) or CN ingestion/exposure (i.e. industrial)
CCP: Altered LOC (GCS ≤ 13), or profound shock (SBP ≤ 90) despite resuscitation, or Lactate ≥ 8 mmol/L
Hypersensitivity to hydroxocobalamin
CCP: All indications
CCP: All indications
Hydroxocobalamin binds directly with cyanide molecules, preventing cyanide binding to cellular mitochondria.
Hydroxocobalamin may cause a temporary reddish discoloration of the skin, plasma, urine, and mucous membranes; these changes last for approximately 2-3 days
Single doses of hydroxocobalamin are safe in all patients without hypersensitivities to vitamin B12.
Hydroxocobalamin may interfere with CO-oximetry measurements, complicating the assessment of victims of smoke inhalation who may suffer from both cyanide and carbon monoxide poisoning.